Friday, January 24, 2014

Cushman Truckster Overhaul

With well over 1.3 million dollars worth of equipment at HFCC, it is imperative that we have a good maintenance program.  In anticipation of a successful season, we go through every piece of equipment and service it.  Most pieces need only oil and filter changes along with a part here and there.  However, some pieces need to be refurbished and completely overhauled.   Such is the case with several of our heavy duty utility vehicles.
HFCC staff inspecting the rear end of a Cushman Truckster
A new Cushman utility vehicle costs around $22,000.  The cost to refurbish one of these vehicles is about $4000, including labor.  We currently have 4 in need of refurbishment.  Each vehicle will be completely stripped down and every bushing, hose, and worn part will be replaced.  Additionally, each will receive a new paint job.  When each Cushman is finished, it will be in like new condition and will provide the club with many more years of dependable service. Because of this project, I am happy to report that we will save the club approximately $70,000 in new equipment costs!
Steve rebuilding the front end of a Cushman Truckser
This type of maintenance helps our equipment last longer than at most other clubs.  With the cost of golf course maintenance equipment getting higher each year (and I mean higher), it is prudent of us to take care of our equipment and make it last as long as possible.  I will post updated photos when we finish the first Cushman.